

  • GetTextFrom( nLeft, nTop, nWidth, nHeight, cDelim, lCSystem ) => Returns a string of words separated by cDelim within the specified area on the page.
All parameter must be in GRA_PU_LOMETRIC units
 cDelim defaults to "," (comma)
lCSystem defauts to False (.f.), if True then all parameters must be in the same coordinate system as in NewPage() 
* values of 0 for all area coordinates will return the full page.
example : cTxt := oPdf:GetTextFrom( 430, 1330, 200, 40 ) will extract all text from within the area.
430, 1330 (from bottom left of page)
123 456 789 abc def geh
will return a string like "123,456,789,abc,def,geh"
cTxt := oPdf:GetTextFrom( 4, 33, 30, 1, ";", .T. ) will extract all text from within the area.
123 456 789 abc def geh
will return a string like "123;456;789;abc;def;geh" separated by ; from line 33, column 4, width 30 characters, 1 line